Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato


Now you can make the super popular, Iced Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks, right in your own home. This incredible blend of espresso, milk and caramel is refreshing and the perfect way to start your day.


- Espresso  - Milk (Whole, Skim, Almond, Oat) - Ice - Caramel Sauce - Vanilla Syrup


Squeeze some caramel sauce into the bottom of your cup, just enough to fill the bottom. Add 2 pumps of vanilla syrup.

Add milk. Fill your cup with ice about 3/4 of the way. Add both shots of espresso.

Fill any remaining room at the top of your glass with ice. Squeeze caramel sauce on top, to taste Stir and enjoy!

TIP: At the suggestion of Brittany, former Barista, be sure and add the ice in after the milk.

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