Our 10 Favorite Outdoor Activities as a Family

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Author: Heather
Category: Family
Published Date: 01/15/2018
Comments: 24

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What did you do for fun when you were a child?  I remember spending a lot of time outside, bouncing a ball against my grandparent’s garage door, riding my bike, swimming and playing with my neighborhood friends. Now, with three kids of my own, I realized that everything they were doing involved technology.  They constantly had a phone, a tablet or a laptop in front of their face, doing something meaningless like watching a youtube video or playing a game.  So, 2 weeks ago we made a change and we couldn’t be happier.

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Trading in Online Time for Outdoor Time

We decided to limit their wi-fi access.  Instead of allowing them to use it whenever they wanted to, we cut them down to an hour a day.  It was the best decision we’ve ever made.  Not only has it stopped them from doing a lot of meaningless activities, but it’s also forced them to find other things to keep themselves entertained and it’s allowed us to spend more time as a family, doing fun things outdoors.

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Our 10 Favorite Outdoor Activities as a Family

  1. Bike Riding: Bike riding can be fun and is great exercise! The girls put on their helmets (safety first) and ride around our neighborhood.
  2. Sports: My oldest wants to try out for her school volleyball team, so Dad has been teaching her everything he knows.  We’ve found that our younger girls love it too! They also love soccer.
  3. Gymnastics: Is there anything more fun than doing cartwheels on the grass? For my 8 year old, she can flip all day long if we let her.
  4. Rollerblading: While it’s still not one they’ve mastered, my 8 year old is determined to learn. I love that even when she falls, she picks herself right back up and keeps going.
  5. Walking: There is a beautiful little park down the road from our house and the girls love to walk around the lake, check out the ducks and perform the little exercises along the way.  It’s also a great place to relax and do a little yoga.
  6. Playground: Whether it’s our neighborhood playground or the larger playground down the road, give my girls a slide and some swings and they couldn’t be happier. They are having fun and don’t even realize that they are exercising.
  7. Swimming: Any time the girls can get in a pool, they jump at the chance.  My little mermaids would spend the whole day in the water if they could.
  8. Nature Walks: We have a local nature preserve and the girls love to look for animals and birds!  We’ve even spotted a few alligators along the way.
  9. Washing the Car:  The girls love to help Daddy wash the car whenever he allows them to.  They usually get more water on themselves than the car, but it’s all about how much fun they’re having anyway, right?! Throw in some bubbles and they are having the time of their lives.
  10. Sidewalk Chalk: Could possibly be the best thing invented… the girls get to draw, express themselves with their art and then the rain cleans it up for us.

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When weather permits, I hope that you will spend more time outdoors with your family, finding fun activities that keep them moving more and worried less about technology. It’s fun, it’s a great bonding experience and best of all, it’s free!

What are some things your family does outdoors?

Comment below and tell us about it!




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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

Leave a Reply

  • These are all great activities. We like to take our dogs on walks and to the dog parks and ride bikes and play tennis.

  • These are great ways to get exercise. Funny, my kids actually do enjoy helping me wash the car.

    Both my kids are very much into swimming, so we often do things that involve swimming, whether we are at a water park or a pool.

  • My kids love to ride their bikes and play football in the backyard! It is so important to get some fresh air and exercise when the weather allows.

  • One of my favourite things to do with the kids outside is Geocaching. Its a hike, treasure hunt and exercise all in one! My kids don’t even realize that they are being active when they are hunting. Its great!

  • With our family, we shoot for some quality outdoor activities whenever we can. Participating in teaching a child what you know about a sport they’re wanting to try out for is a great way to get the whole family involved! We might have to add washing the car this summer to our outdoor fun!

  • There is nothing like getting outside and playing, as a child I used to love heading down the park, we did all sorts there from rollerblading to biking, definitely have many happy memories.

  • Nature walks are always a great way to spend time together as a family. It’s a lot of fun to get out there and see all the different wildlife and plants.