Advice for My Daughters… Love, Dad

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Author: Heather
Category: Family
Published Date: 11/12/2017
Comments: 39

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We do our best as parents to teach our kids everything that they need to know to grow into good people.  We have 18 short years to teach them everything we know so that they don’t make the same mistakes we’ve made.  Then we pray that we haven’t forgotten anything.

Here is my advice for my daughters… Love, Dad.

  1. Love one another, even through the disagreements.
  2. Your family will always stand by you, no matter what.
  3. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
  4. Learn to say I’m sorry but make sure you mean it.
  5. Don’t judge yourself by the standard of others.
  6. Create your own definition of success.
  7. Set goals, achieve them and repeat.
  8. Don’t be afraid to jump in the driver’s seat.
  9. Play a group sport. You’ll cherish the memories and learn the power of teamwork.
  10. Know that everyone trips and falls and it’s ok. Just pick yourself up and keep going.
  11. Don’t live the life that’s expected of you, but live the life that is true to you.
  12. Strive to be a true leader in everything you do by having the confidence to stand alone and the courage to make the tough decisions.
  13. Always take the time and have compassion to listen to others.
  14. Perfect a silly dance and learn to laugh at yourself.
  15. Learn to cook and have a signature dish.
  16. Always clean up before you go to bed, so you will wake up and start the day in a clean home.
  17. Learn to love the skin you’re in.
  18. Pray in the morning when you wake, before every meal and before you fall asleep.
  19. Always tell the truth.  Honesty is so important.  A lie is a stone in your heart and soul.
  20. Never let a tragedy, circumstance or situation define you.
  21. Aim high. You can achieve anything you work hard enough for.
  22. Be kind to others. You never know what they might be going through.
  23. Always forgive, no matter how hard it may be.
  24. Give people an infinite number of reasons to love you.
  25. You may make mistakes, and that’s ok, just make sure you learn from them.
  26. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something and don’t be afraid to prove them wrong.
  27. Never settle for anything less than what you know you deserve.
  28. Try to see the positive in every situation.
  29. Learn to love the differences in others and learn from them.
  30. Be as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.

If you could give advice to your kids, what would you tell them?

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30 things I hope my girls will do as they grow into strong, independent women... all from a Dad's perspective. Here is my advice for my daughters.


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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • This is really great advice for many people. I hesitate about #15 though; not all of us are skilled in the kitchen & some people use that as a way to shame others, especially women (we’re told we can’t get a man if we can’t cook which is absurd & shouldn’t be pushed in 2019).

    • Post

      We choose to teach our daughters skills they need in life, including how to cook. This isn’t so that they will “get a man” but so that they can be independent and take care of themselves as they get older. My husband is actually the one in our home that does most of the cooking and this is how he was raised.

  • This is such a lovely post! Great advice for all parents to pass down to their children. If more parents did, think of how much nicer the world would be to live in for everyone.

  • these are great tips for anyone – i especially like the everyone trips and falls. it’s so true, but you have to drag yourself back up again!

  • Love that you have highlighted learning from the differences in others, and to be kind to everyone as you may not know what they are going through. This advice is spot on!

  • This is such inspirational advice to live by! You are doing a great job raising little girls who will become strong women!

  • I adore this. I ADORE this! This should be framed and put in each of their rooms. It gives me all the feels.