Products You Need for Distance Learning

girl writing in a notebook
Author: Heather
Category: Brand Sponsored
Published Date: 05/12/2020
Comments: 46

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Distance learning is not something any of us were prepared for. It’s not even a term in our vocabulary in February this year. When it was announced that our county would be “distance learning” until further notice, my first instinct was to panic.

I had very little time in my day, and including three kids with three very different curriculums terrified me, as I’m sure many working parents did.

While distance learning isn’t technically homeschool because we aren’t making the lesson plans (thank goodness for our teachers), we are still responsible for making sure our kids do the work their teachers are assigning them, make sure they attend the live video meetings, and maybe most importantly, make sure they have the tools they need to succeed.

girl smiling and enjoying distance learning

two girls with purosound headphones

Initially, we had prepared for a few weeks, which turned into a month, and then the rest of the school year (maybe a month into the following year). We were lucky to have two laptops in the house for the girls to use and received a loaner from the school for our youngest, so everyone had access to their devices.

Of course, with three girls, in three different grades listening to teacher-assigned videos and having class meetings regularly, we needed to make sure they could concentrate and not be distracted by the noises around them.

So when I was making a list of our must-haves, at the top of my list was noise-canceling headphones. I researched several brands, asked around, and was told that Puro Sound Labs was the best!

They are volume-limiting active noise-canceling headphones, and they protect their ears. They have a long battery life (16-22 hours) and can connect via Bluetooth. They also have a 30-day money-back guarantee and a one-year warranty.

The girls love them and even use them outside the school with their phones and tablets.

girl writing using a lap desk

girl on her laptop with headphones on

lap desk monster design

Next on my list, because I wanted the girls to be able to do their school work anywhere they felt comfortable, both inside or outside, was a lap desk. Lap desks are great for so many reasons.

I love that they create an instant desk, no matter where you are. So when the girls decide it’s a treehouse school day, they grab their lap desks from LapGear® and head out.

While there are so many great ones on the market, LapGear® offers a vast variety for all ages (I use one too) and offers some of the cutest lap desks for kids! Falynn’s MyMonster lap desk is the CUTEST, and the cushion design creates a stable work surface and keeps her little legs cool.

Adjusting to distance learning has been a learning process for us, but the girls can now succeed, thanks to these tools.

yoobi school supplies

young girl making a craft

yoobi school supplies

When the girls left school in mid-March, they thought they would be back, so they left all their school supplies behind. I wanted to ensure their transition to distance learning was more accessible by providing them with similar supplies.

Yoobi has been their favorite brand for years! You have probably seen their notebooks, pens, markers, pencil cases, scissors (and so much more) in Target. They are the brightly colored, super fun school supplies that kids (and Moms) love.

But you may not know that for every Yoobi item purchased; they will donate a school supply item to a child in need right here in the U.S. It’s just one more reason to love and support the brand!

Girl reaching into a personalized storage bin

Finally, I created a unique space and accessible storage for each girl and personalized them with our Cricut Joy. You can learn all about that fun project by checking out how we transformed our home school space at home with Cricut Joy.

How is your family adjusting to distance learning? Are there specific products that have made things easier on you? Comment below and let us know! We love to hear from our readers!

Here are the tools you need to make distance learning easier on your kids, so they can adjust to school from home.

*This post was sponsored by Puro Sound Labs, LapGear®, and Yoobi. We were provided the product in exchange for this post, but all opinions are our own. This post also contains affiliate links, meaning if you click on them and purchase something, we may receive a small commission. As always, our family appreciates your support!

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Hello There!

I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

Leave a Reply

  • I really admire how resilient kids are. It’s tough to leave the routines of school and jump to learning from home. I love everything you’re doing to make it easier for them!

  • These all look like really great products for the kids. They will make the situation easier, for sure!

  • These are all great additions to make learning easier and more fun. When you have the right tools, it makes everything better.

  • Love your list of must haves to make things easier for your girls when it comes to distance learning. My little one isn’t old enough of school yet but I definitely understand having to adapt to sudden changes.

  • Those are great resources to stay on task and make it fun! We homeschool, I love that lap desk, I am so checking this out!