My girls are YouTube junkies. From toy reviews to makeup tutorials, they are watching videos more often than I’d like to admit. Like so many other families, we woke up one morning and decided to start our own YouTube channel. If these other families can do it, so could we, right?! So last year, we posted our first video. We waited for the subscribers to come pouring in and just knew that the girls would be instant celebrities. [Insert cricket noises].
It literally took over a month to build up to 100 subscribers and we definitely have more than 100 close friends and family so… If I’m being completely honest, YouTube is not as easy as so many make it seem. Even if you post videos that you and your family think are hilarious and fun, it doesn’t mean that anyone will ever see them. Kids videos don’t just magically appear on YouTube Kids. But we post. We wait. And we try to figure out what in the world we’re doing wrong.
The other day, I logged into our account and found that one of their videos had almost a thousand views and I was honestly shocked. While it doesn’t compare to those videos that get a million views, a thousand is a lot for us, considering we are lucky to reach 100. So it was pretty exciting and it got us thinking that maybe were giving up too soon. Maybe the key to being a successful YouTuber isn’t just luck, but hard work and persistence.
So, in honor of our one year YouTube anniversary, I wanted to share our top three YouTube videos and promise that we will be posting more videos, more often! Subscribe and let us know what you think! The girls love to hear from fans!
Our 3rd Favorite YouTube Video
Our 2nd Favorite YouTube Video
And Our Most Viewed Video
Which one is your favorite? Comment below and let us know!
Your girls are great models, they’re natural. I love reviews like this, kids are honest!
OH MY GOSH Kidbox!! Love this idea and the video too. My kids might be too old now for this. What a shame. My girls are teens and they are always test-driving new youtube channels. My youngest is starting an ASMR channel this weekend according to her. LOL. I hope it works out. She is pretty good at video but needs to be reminded to stick with things.
Your girls are so adorable in the video. Their excitement opening the Kidbox is contagious. Love your added sound effects too. So fun to watch.
I love how excited your girls were to unveil the Kidbox Boxes. The drumroll at the beginning was cute. They seem like really funny, sweet girls!
We too have and are considering YouTube. I agree about the hard work and perseverance. I hope it takes off for you!
What fun videos! I need to show my littles how to make a beach jar. What a perfect summer project for the days when we don’t make it all the way to the beach.
I haven’t ventured to YouTube. I don’t think I am movie worthy! I love the faces your girls make! Too cute!