How We Got Our 5 Year Old to Eat Without Making a Mess with FoodCubby

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Author: Heather
Category: Brand Sponsored
Published Date: 10/23/2018
Comments: 78

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There isn’t one day, in the last 13 years, that I can remember getting up from the dinner table and not having to clean up rice, corn, pasta or veggies. Regardless of how we would show our daughters how to scoop up their food and eat over the plate, they always made a mess. After a lot of frustration and three kids, we finally realized that it’s not their inability to scoop food that’s the problem, it’s actually the plates fault!  Think about it… most plates have no edges, so when little hands try to use a utensil to scoop up their food, it’s destined to wind up either on the table or on the floor. Unless they use their hands and that leads to a whole different kind of mess. Thankfully, we’ve learned about the solution to our problem… FoodCubby!

FoodCubby, food cubby, food separator, great products for kids, meal time, children, suction, plates, dinner time, family friendly, children, kids, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, travel blogger, parenting blogger, family blogger

These are a Game Changer.

They have been a game changer for us! FoodCubby is made from food safe, FDA approved and BPA-free silicone. They can be used on any flat surface including plates, glass, countertops and highchairs (heck, you can even use them on the floor if your floor is clean enough to eat off of).  Just wash them, stick them on and it’s like magic. Not only does FoodCubby help our little one to scoop her food easier, but it also separates the food!

Like many others, when I was a kid, I did not want my food to touch. I remember my Grandpa telling me that it was all going to end up in the same place anyway, but I was not having it. Those foods needed to stay on their own sides. If there was sauce or gravy involved, separate plates were the only way to go. What a dish nightmare that must have been for my Grandparents, huh?

FoodCubby, food cubby, food separator, great products for kids, meal time, children, suction, plates, dinner time, family friendly, children, kids, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, travel blogger, parenting blogger, family blogger

FoodCubby, food cubby, food separator, great products for kids, meal time, children, suction, plates, dinner time, family friendly, children, kids, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, travel blogger, parenting blogger, family blogger

FoodCubby, food cubby, food separator, great products for kids, meal time, children, suction, plates, dinner time, family friendly, children, kids, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, travel blogger, parenting blogger, family blogger

FoodCubby can be purchased on their website or on Amazon. They come with two different sizes in each pack. We absolutely love them and know you will too!

Do your kids have a problem with scooping their food or want to keep their food separate? Comment below and let us know!

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Tired of cleaning up after your kids during mealtime? FoodCubby serves as an edge to their plate, making it easier to scoop and eat.


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Hello There!

I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

Leave a Reply

  • That is such a unique and useful product, could definitely use it in my home (3, 3, and 5 year olds), thanks for the tip!!

  • Those plates make eating for a younger kid so much easier, especially the cleanup. I have to show this to my brother withhis young family.

    • Post

      These aren’t plates, they are silicone pieces that suction onto any flat surface! They are awesome.

  • We never had anything like this growing up just learned not to make a mess. I can see where some parents would find this very hand and useful to help their child eat and not make a mess.

  • Okay, I am so taking mental notes on this. My son isn’t even born yet but I feel the need to really start remembering all the great baby/toddler accessories that may make my life easier!