Getting the Kids to Love Laundry PLUS a Gain Ultra Flings Coupon

Author: Heather
Category: Brand Sponsored
Published Date: 06/19/2020
Comments: 34

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This post is sponsored by Gain Ultra Flings. All opinions are my own.

When you have three kids, the laundry seems to be never ending. If it’s not a daily fashion show, it’s running around outside and getting so dirty that they need to change more than once in a day. Over the years, the laundry piles have become laundry mountains. Sunday has always been our laundry day. The girls know that they have to bring their full hampers to the laundry room and it’s always been my job to sort and wash. Of course now that my girls are getting older, my tween has been helping me and she actually enjoys it (which is awesome). But I think that has a lot to do with making the process fun for her and less of a chore.

It’s a riddle each time to figure out what temperature the water should be, what size the load is and up until recently, how much laundry detergent to put in the washer. Of course now that we are using Gain Ultra Flings, that’s one less thing to worry about.

gain ultra flings on a table with towels

laundry today or naked tomorrow

Gain Ultra Flings are designed for large loads, so you only need one Fling. No measuring, no over pouring. Just toss the Fling in the wash and it’s ready to go! With 2X the OXI Boost and Febreze (vs. Gain Flings Original) and 3X the scent power (vs. Gain Flings Original), one Fling can tackle your toughest and stinkiest laundry (with three kids, a dog and a husband, it can definitely get pretty stinky).

Gain Ultra Flings have better cleaning and freshness power than liquid detergents (when compared to Gain liquid detergent). They dissolve completely in cold and hot water conditions and works with all HE and non-HE washing machines.

girl folding laundry next to a Rae Dunn laundry basket

gain ultra flings in a laundry basket

When it’s folding time, we’ve been practicing new ways of folding, so that everything fits in our drawers. It’s almost like a puzzle to see how much they can fit and keep it neat enough that they can find something when they need it. I often catch the girls putting the clothing up to their noses and enjoying the long-lasting, fresh-smelling Gain scent. I don’t blame them. It keeps our clothing and linens smelling good. It’s hard not to sneak a sniff.

Save $2 on Gain Ultra Flings

If you haven’t tried Gain Ultra Flings yet, now is a great time because they are offering a $2 coupon! You’ll fall in love with it as much as we have. And maybe you can even get your kids to help you with the laundry too!

Is there a chore that your kids enjoy doing? Comment below and tell us about it!

If you want your kids to help out with laundry, try making it into a fun chore.

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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • anything that will get the children to help with their laundry w/o complaint is a GAIN indeed. 🙂

  • I bought my kids there own laundry baskets last September and showed them how to do their own laundry at ages 10 & 13. BEST thing I ever did!! I am going to see what they think of the Gain Ultra!!!

  • That sign is super cute! I unfortunately have a sensitivity to laundry detergents so there are only a few I can use. I love the smell of Gain though!!! These are perfect for easy use!

  • I wasn’t all about the flings until I started having my kids do their own laundry. I just wanted them to use the right amount of detergent! It worked so well.