Hanukkah Coloring Page

Hanukkah coloring page free printable
Author: Heather
Category: Create
Published Date: 12/15/2022
Comments: 14

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I couldn’t let Hanukkah start this year without sharing one more special gift. This Hanukkah coloring page is a little something fun for the kids to color! They can color one candle on each of the eight nights and display it proudly on your refrigerator or close to the menorah.

All you have to do is print it and have your kids color it in. This would also be a great activity for school, so teachers, you may also want to print this one!

They can use crayons, markers, colored pencils, or watercolors if you’re feeling extra brave! Don’t worry if they make a mistake. You can always print out another one! Don’t forget to write the year on it so you can look back on it years from now!

I hope you love this printable Hanukkah coloring page we put together for you. The best part is that it’s a free downloadable file, so you can print off as many as you need. You can print them off yearly and watch your children’s creativity change.

Hanukkah coloring page with a hanukkiyah menorah and a jewish star
coloring page and markers and a dreidel

We’ve included four fun facts about Hanukkah on the coloring page, so it’s both educational and fun!

The Meaning of the Word Hanukkah

Hanukkah is the Hebrew word for dedication and the holiday commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Why is Hanukkah Celebrated for 8 Nights?

According to tradition, the small amount of oil the Jews found while restoring the Holy Temple miraculously burned for eight nights.

What is a Dreidel?

Dreidel comes from the Yiddish word “drei” which means to turn or to spin. A dreidel is a small four-sided spinning top with a Hebrew letter on each side, used in a children’s game traditionally played at the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.

Is there a Right Way to Spell Hanukkah?

You have probably seen the word spelled many different ways — Hanukkah, Chanukkah, or Hanukah (to name a few). The word Hanukkah is translated from Hebrew letters, so there is no right or wrong way to spell it in English.

Hanukkah coloring page with a dreidel and markers
coloring page and markers

More Fun Hanukkah Facts

  • Technically, we don’t light a menorah on Hanukkah. A menorah is a candelabrum with seven branches or holders for light. A hanukkiah is the Hebrew term for the nine lights (or eight plus one – the shamash) used at Hanukkah.
  • Most traditional Hanukkah foods are fried, such as latkes, apple fritters, kugel, and sufganiyot (fried jelly doughnuts). This isn’t a coincidence. People fry their food in oil for Hanukkah as a symbol of the miracle oil that burned for eight nights straight.
  • Gifts weren’t always given on Hanukkah. Money was more traditional. Due to the growing popularity of gift-giving over the Christmas holiday, the transition from monetary gifts to other types of presents began.

Once your little ones have finished their Hanukkah coloring page, if you decide to post a photo on social media, we’d love for you to tag @thesupermomlife and encourage others to join in the fun!

Hanukkah coloring page colored in
Hanukkah activity for kids

Print Your Hanukkah Coloring Page

This Hanukkah coloring page is easy to download. Just click “Hanukkah coloring page” to download and enter your name and email address (don’t worry, we hate spam as much as you do).

You’ll immediately receive an email with a link to the printable. I recommend printing it immediately and also saving it to your computer so you can print it out again on a later day.

If you love this Hanukkah coloring page, please check out our other free printables. We have some for all occasions, with lots more coming soon!

I wish you and your family a Happy Hanukkah. May this year bring you joy and love.

Don’t forget to check out our other Hanukkah recipes and crafts!


We've created a free printable Hanukkah coloring page that is perfect for your little ones to create and celebrate the festival of lights.
We've created a free printable Hanukkah coloring page that is perfect for your little ones to create and celebrate the festival of lights.

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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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