How to Save Money at Target

how to save money at target, target, coupons, couponing, saving money, budget, shopping on a budget, tide pods, coupon, printable coupon, tide, print at home, laundry, laundry detergent, 2019
Author: Heather
Category: Brand Sponsored
Published Date: 01/26/2019
Comments: 101

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We all love Target but we also know that it’s incredibly hard to leave without a cart full of things that we probably didn’t even need. So, how do you get those impulse items and not break the bank? Here are my tips on how to save money at Target.

Make a “Need” List

Never go to Target without a list. Your list should always include the items you’ll need for the coming week, including things like laundry detergent, toilet paper, soap, groceries, diapers, etc. This is your must-have list. If nothing else, you will at least leave with these items. Figure out approximately how much you’re going to spend. Then I’m going to help you save money on these items, so that if you find something you can’t live without (or something you forgot to add to the list), you’ll have that extra money to spend!

Manufacturers Coupons

If you don’t get the Sunday paper, you can still find manufacturer coupons online. I like to search sites like Just use their search function, type in the brand name and it will pull up all available coupons. Just print them, cut them and voila! Just make sure to pay attention to exclusions and don’t forget to put them in your wallet so that you don’t leave them at home!

Target’s policy states the following:

  • Only one manufacturer coupon (paper or Cartwheel digital), one Target coupon (paper or digital), and one Cartwheeloffer can be combined per item.

You read that correctly! You can COMBINE coupons. That means, you can use more than one to save even more money! Score!

For example, make sure to print out one of these Tide coupons on P&G Everyday which will save you $3.00 off Tide PODS or $3.00 off Tide detergent, now through 2/2/19.

Target App

Download the Target App. Through the app, you’ll be able to find coupons, extra deals and the weekly ad. It’s easy to search for deals, which you can save to your digital wallet.

how to save money at target, target, coupons, couponing, saving money, budget, shopping on a budget, tide pods, coupon, printable coupon, tide, print at home, laundry, laundry detergent, 2019

For example, on the app today, you can save an offer for 10% off any Tide PODS (61 or 81ct) or 5% off Tide liquid detergent. So, combine either of those with the manufacturer coupon above and you are saving even more money!

Target Debit Card

Did you know that you can sign up for the Target Debit Card and save 5% on every single purchase you make at Target? The card connects directly to your bank account, so it’s not a credit card. There are no hidden fees or interest charges, it just pulls the money out of your account, just as your debit card would. It’s a great way to save another 5%!

Combine that with the manufacturer coupon and the cartwheel deal and you’ve saved even more money!

Target Gift Card Deals

Oh, I’m not done yet. When you go to Target, you’ll find little signs in the aisle, offering you special deals.

For example, this week, when you use Order Pickup to buy 2 laundry, cleaning or paper products, they’ll give you a $5 Target gift card! That’s 5 items from the dollar area or $5 toward something else you’ve had your eye on.

Combine that with the manufacturer coupon and the cartwheel deal and the 5% off for using the Target Debit card and well, they are practically paying you to shop!

how to save money at target, target, coupons, couponing, saving money, budget, shopping on a budget, tide pods, coupon, printable coupon, tide, print at home, laundry, laundry detergent, 2019

how to save money at target, target, coupons, couponing, saving money, budget, shopping on a budget, tide pods, coupon, printable coupon, tide, print at home, laundry, laundry detergent, 2019

Now It’s Your Turn!

Now that you know my secrets, it’s time to save some money! I’m sure you have some laundry to do, so I’ll get you started. In our home, we use New Tide PODS 2.0, which have been upgraded with better stain and odor removal power. Their 4-in-1 technology includes detergent, stain remover, color protector and built-in pre-treaters. They are the #1 Stain Removal*, #1 Odor Removal*, #1 Trusted**

Tide is offering a $3 Tide PODS coupon AND a $3 Tide Detergent coupon, nationally, across all retailers, from now through February 2, 2019. The offers cannot be stacked (though you can combine one of them in the ways I have mentioned above). This coupon can be used at any retailer, not just Target! It’s easy to print at home.  *Note: you must create a log in account to leverage print at home coupons.


$3 OFF ONE Tide PODS (excludes Tide Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent,

Tide Simply, Tide Simply PODS, and Tide PODS 9 ct and below, and trial/travel size)

$3 OFF ONE Tide Detergent (excludes Tide PODS, Tide Simply, Tide Simply

PODS, Tide Detergent 10 oz and trial/travel size)

So are you ready to save? Once you’ve printed the coupon, comment below and let me know which of these money saving tips you’ll be using on your next trip to target.

*Stain and Odor Fighter Tide PODs Ultra Oxi among laundry pacs in HE machines **Consumer’s #1 trusted laundry brand in Readers’ Digest survey

*This post is sponsored by Tide. All opinions are my own!

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Here are my secrets to saving money at Target. how to save money at target, target, coupons, couponing, saving money, budget, shopping on a budget, tide pods, coupon, printable coupon, tide, print at home, laundry, laundry detergent, 2019



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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

Leave a Reply

  • I miss target! I used to live 10 minutes away from Target but when I moved south the closest one is nearly an hour away! Every once in a while I make it there but I definitely wish that I lived closer!

  • It’s so great that Target has an app where you can get discounts and coupons from. I wish my local supermarket had a similar app. I can see how you can save a lot of money if you buy at Target.

  • I wish there was Target over in the UK, I always hear about the bargains that you find there! And coupons, you guys get so much more choice with your coupons too 🙂

  • I love the coupons to be used for shopping, even more so for good products! This detergent has a great scent and has a great cleaning capacity!

  • My daughter likes to shop at Target when she gets close to one. I will have to send this to her so she can save even more money.

  • I couldn’t live without my RedCard and app! So glad they combined the main app and cartwheel app. Great tips!