St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Bait for Kids Plus Printable

leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids
Author: Heather
Category: Create
Published Date: 02/25/2019
Comments: 75

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We have an adorable St. Patrick’s Day giveaway gift idea for your kids! You only need 5 supplies (3-4 of which you probably already have in your home), and I’m even sharing a PRINTABLE for you, so it’s even less work (see below)! Hurray for convenience!

While we don’t give out gifts for every holiday, creating something for St. Patrick’s Day this year would be fun. She was very specific when I asked my 6-year-old what it needed to include. It must have a leprechaun and a rainbow. Everything else was up to me.

This idea is simple, and your kids will love to help you put them together. I’m excited to reveal our “Leprechaun Bait” St. Patrick’s Day idea without further ado!

leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids
leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids
leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids
leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids

The tricky part with these is getting the existing Tic Tac label off. Super Dad was nice enough to help out and found it easiest to use a hairdryer on a low setting to remove the stickiness. He was then able to peel it away, leaving no residue.

You can put the Leprechaun Bait label over the existing one, but it will probably be noticeable depending on your paper or labels. It’s totally up to you.

We may have spent 10 minutes on the entire project (not including the time it took to photograph), and most of that was removing the existing label. It’s an easy and fun little gift your kids can give to their friends at school, extracurricular activities, or neighbors!

leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids
leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids
leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids
leprechaun bait, leprechaun poop, crafts, craft, crafts for st. patrick's day, st patty's day, kids, gift idea, diy, kids craft, crafts for kids, 2019, candy, ideas for st patrick's day, gifts for kids


You’ll need:

Leprechaun Bait Printable
Tic Tacs
Paper or Label Sheets
A Printer
Scissors or Paper Cutter
Glue (if you used paper vs. labels)


  1. Remove stickers from each tic tac container.
  2. Print out the leprechaun bait printable on a label sheet or letter-sized paper. Ensure your printer is set to portrait and you choose “actual size.”
  3. Use scissors or a paper cutter to cut the labels (there are 10 per page).
  4. Have your child (or yourself) write their name on each label or leave it as is.
  5. For labels, peel and stick on each. For paper, use glue to stick each piece of paper.

What do you think of our St. Patrick’s Day creation? Keep an eye out (and sign up for our e-newsletter) for more St. Patrick’s Day goodies! We also have more that we’ve shared over the years. Make sure to check out all of our St. Patrick’s Day recipes and ideas.


Looking for a fun little handout for your kids to give on St. Patrick's Day? This Leprechaun Bait is a perfect gift and so easy to make.

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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • This is one of my fave holidays…I wish my kids were little again so we could do this. However, I have some nieces/nephews to share this with. So cute!

  • These are so creative and great for St Patrick’s Day! What a wonderful idea – take long to make.

  • Heather! I think these treats are so adorable. What a cute way to give out goodies for St. Patrick’s Day!