Living Room Redesign: An Honest Modsy Review

modsy living room design concept
Author: Heather
Category: Brand Sponsored
Published Date: 04/21/2022
Comments: 35

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I’m the person that finishes an HGTV show and magically feels like an expert. I run to my husband with a list of home renovation projects a mile long, expecting him to get them all done within the hour (because that’s how long it takes with the magic of television). I’m also the person who stands in the throw pillow aisle of every store for an hour, changing my mind repeatedly until I eventually leave without any pillows. I’m too indecisive when it comes to interior design. I don’t want to make the wrong decision. It’s the reason that I decided to sign up for Modsy

Modsy is an online interior design service that provides all of the same things that working with an actual designer offers, but it’s all done virtually. Modsy delivers highly realistic 3D designs of your exact room, allowing you to virtually try out the products before you buy. 

I’m excited to share our experience with Modsy and how we could completely redecorate our living room in a matter of just a few weeks.

Here is what our living room looked like the day we started the process:

basic living room with two leather couches
piano and tv in a living room

As you can see, we really hadn’t done much. The previous owner of our home left the couches when he moved out. The piano was my Grandparents’ (including the decor on top). We bought the electric fireplace and the storage bench. That’s it. We knew that we wanted it to have plenty of seating, be comfortable, kid-friendly, and Instagram friendly since we create content in our home for a living.

I signed up for Modsy at the very end of March. We chose the Premium 1 Room option. The entire process is very easy. Tell them which room you want to redecorate and how much you’ll need (paint, furniture, flooring, decor, lighting, etc.) Then, the app allows you to scan your room so that it can measure your space and create the perfect 3D replica of your room. It’s unreal how realistic it looks!

Next, you take the Modsy Style Quiz, a quick and fun quiz that will help you figure out your design taste so your designer can create the perfect space for you, your budget, and your lifestyle. 

I received a message from Luna, our assigned designer, the following day, and we scheduled a virtual call to discuss the design just a few days later. We received two layouts before our call, so we could discuss them both and let her know which we preferred.

modsy layout living room
modsy layout living room

We wound up going with a mix of both layouts. We loved the two separate couches and the two chairs in the other design. I shared the things I really liked and the things I disliked. Luna took note of everything. We had the first designs in our inbox not even a day later. 

The photos are so realistic that it actually looks like they were taken in our home. It’s impressive how the Modsy technology can create these 3D design models. Looking at the photos, I could easily imagine walking into our new living room with the new furniture.

modsy living room design concept
very realistic living room design
modsy living room design concept
electric fireplace decor

There’s also an Interactive 3D Design

 We made only a couple of minor changes to these designs (although Modsy offers unlimited revisions until you are 100% happy). Overall, everything was better than I could have ever put together. I kept showing everyone, in awe, that this was going to be our living room!

One of my favorite things about Modsy is that each design comes linked to each product shown. You can also set a budget so your designer will choose things that will fit into that budget. They also give you several alternatives to easily swap products and see them in your finished design.

screenshot of modsy design with product links

We chose our final pieces and were able to use one of Modsy’s welcome codes for a great discount. Modsy orders everything and keeps you updated on tracking from each company. As long as the pieces are not custom-made, they have an excellent return policy. 

We have already received most of the furniture and some of the decor pieces. Luna even chose our new paint color, and we had our room painted earlier this week. 

Want to Try Out Modsy for Yourself?

If you have been wanting to redesign any room in your home and are looking for a more affordable alternative, I couldn’t recommend Modsy more. Now through June 30, 2022, visit and use code MODSYSAVE15 for 15% off your design package. 

If you have any questions about Modsy or our overall experience, I’m always happy to answer them! You can comment below or send me a quick DM on social media @thesupermomlife

Check out the final reveal:


We redesigned our entire living room with the help of a virtual interior designer. Here is our honest Modsy review plus a code to save money.
We redesigned our entire living room with the help of a virtual interior designer. Here is our honest Modsy review plus a code to save money.

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Hello There!

I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • I too get inspired from HGTV shows. So many of my remodeling projects are from watching this show at the gym.

    • Wow! This is such a really great and amazing idea! I think my living room needs a makeover!

  • I love the first design, but I also love my sectional. I honestly wouldn’t know which on to choose, but I love that they give you options.

  • This is such a good idea! I am a visual person who needs to see it all laid out first. My aunt on the other hand can just go buy pieces and put it all together and it always looks stunning.

  • I will check them out. My living room is so blah right now and could use a spruce. I love yours!

  • My family room could use an update from Modsy. My colors are a little too dark and the furniture isn’t that comfortable.

  • Haha I feel like an expert after an HGTV episode too! I love the way they can virtually design a space. It looks great!