Mother’s Day Flower Pot Printable Craft

Mother's Day flower pot printable craft idea
Author: Heather
Category: Create
Published Date: 05/01/2020
Comments: 35

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Mother’s Day is just days away and nothing is going to stop us from celebrating this special day. While we can’t go out to dinner, or plan anything special outside of the home we can grab some craft supplies, many of which you probably already have somewhere in your home, and have the kids create a special keepsake that Mom will love! I’m even including a free printable for this Mother’s Day flower pot printable craft!

After we shared the Transforming Ninja Star video, we got such positive feedback that we thought it would be fun to make them smaller and use them as flowers for our Mother’s Day craft. Not only are they fun and look adorable, but they will keep the kids occupied much longer, so you’re so welcome for that.

If your little ones are too small to make the transforming ninja stars, you can also just cut out flower shapes from construction paper or use flattened cupcake liners. It’s completely up to you and your kids! I’ve provided the pot and the leaves in the printable so that’s two things you don’t have to worry about!

Supplies needed to make a mother's day flower pot

Happy Mother's Day poem and a crayon

Mother's Day flower pot craft idea

neon yellow flower with a hot pink pom pom center

Printed leaves with pipe cleaner stems

The perfect handmade gift for Mom for Mother's Day. Just download this free printable flower pot and leaves and let your kids use their creativity to do the rest.

Happy Mother's Day printable flower pot craft on a table

Happy Mother's Day printable flower pot craft with crayons

Mother’s Day Flower Pot Printable

You’ll need:
Mother’s Day Flower Pot Printable
Pipe Cleaners
Pom Poms
Square Sticky Notes (or Paper Cut into Squares) OR Cupcake Liners
Construction Paper (any color)
Printer Paper
Hot Glue
Glue Stick
Brown Crayon


  1. Download our free Mother’s Day Flower Pot Printable, open in Adobe Acrobat, and print on standard printer paper.
  2. Using scissors, cut out the flower pot and each leaf.
  3. Color the top of the flower pot (where the dirt would be) with a brown crayon.
  4. Paste the flower pot at the bottom of your piece of construction paper.
  5. If you’re planning on creating flowers as we did, you’ll want to check out the step-by-step video of the transforming ninja star here and make two of them. If not, you can also use cupcake liners instead! Just flatten them out.
  6. Measure 2 pipe cleaners and cut them to fit. Make sure to leave space for your flowers.
  7. Hot glue (a tiny amount) the bottom of each pipe cleaner to the flower pot and to the top of the sheet. You’ll want to do this at an angle so there is room for the flowers.
  8. Using a tiny dot of hot glue, hot glue your flowers to the top of the pipe cleaners.
  9. Hot glue a pom pom (or many) to the center of your flowers.
  10. Using a glue stick, glue each leaf next to the pipe cleaners. Use your imagination as to which one goes where. Use them all, or just use a couple. Be creative!
  11. Using a marker or crayon, make sure your little one writes their name and the year so that Mom will remember when they received this special gift.

What do you think of our Mother’s Day creation? And if you’re looking for more Mother’s Day craft or gift ideas, make sure to check out our Mother’s Day Activity and Coupon Book from last year!

Happy Mother's Day printable flower pot craft on a table


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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • Oh my gosh, this is super cute! I’m going to help the kids do this as gift for my mom. She’s going to love it.

  • I love doing crafts with my kids! It really is a confidence booster to them, especially since I plaster everything they do on the wall. This looks so fun to make together.