Every year, Christmas is the same in our house. Our kids make a list of everything they want for Christmas and I scramble to try to buy as many things as I can. I spend hours wrapping each gift and placing them neatly under the Christmas tree. The kids wake up way too early, rip through all of their gifts in less than 20 minutes, talk about how much they love everything and by January 1st, everything is lost under a pile of clothes in the bottom of their closet. This year, it all stops. This year, there will be no Christmas presents under our tree. Not a single one.
I will not be buying a single gift this year.
The kids don’t NEED anymore stuff and the things that they really do need are supplied throughout the year. My girls are even lucky enough to get various gifts throughout the year from the companies we partner with. Isn’t our money better saved or spent on memories we can make as a family?
Every year, we hear about these “must-have toys”. We all frantically search online to find them and occasionally pay three times what they are actually worth, just to prove to ourselves that we are the best parent ever. The truth is, these must-have toys wind up in the trash or under the seat in the car or lost at a friend’s house. They don’t need them and in most cases they don’t even really want them. They won’t cease to exist without them. They will go on. I promise.
This year we are going to hand make little gifts and cards. We are going to sleep in and when we all wake up, we will have a nice family breakfast where we will exchange these special handmade goodies while we talk about all of the positive things that happened to us this year.
No Christmas Presents.
Instead of spending money, we are going to spend time together. We are going to make memories. We will have family and friends over and we’ll eat, laugh and tell stories. We will focus on Christmas the way it should be celebrated and remind the kids that it’s not about how many presents you receive but about celebrating life, family and the true spirit of the holiday.
The only toys that will be purchased will be dropped off at Toys for Tots. The girls will pick them out and drop them off. They will understand that it’s better to give than to receive. They will be grateful for the things they already have and not disappointed in the things they didn’t get.
Though our tree may not have any wrapped boxes underneath, it will have a healthy, beautiful children sitting next to it who will never go hungry, who will be loved unconditionally for their whole lives and will never miss the gifts that they didn’t get this Christmas because they will be too busy remembering all of the fun we had, together.
Are you doing anything different this year for the holidays? Comment below and share!
Hey Heather! I commend you for taking a stand. I wish more of us would embrace what we ALREADY have.
I dont think I could NOT buy gifts, The gift buying and giving is more for my happiness than the kids I think. I’m like that year round though- I just love getting people things. I would have such a difficult time with a no present Christmas! Way to go though- save so much time and money.
I fully respect that. I feel like my kids have things they need all the time and I would rather spend time with them and get them experiences.
Memories and time together are so important! I love how you are prioritizing this with your family!
This year Christmas is going to be a lot simpler at our house. 4 out of our 5 kids will be here for Christmas and the other one is coming down a few days after Christmas (she’s a manager at Ulta). I’m not doing nearly as many presents and we’ve planned some fun things to do together with our younger kids and older kids while our older kids are in town. I love that you’re focusing on making memories!
I love this idea! We are giving gifts, but we are doing the want/need/wear/read gifts only. I have gone overboard way too many times, and I don’t want to raise children who are ungrateful. We focus more all month on things we DO as a family than what we GET. <3
We actually tried the want/need/wear/read gifts last year. It turned into 2 of each, per child plus additional things. I totally failed at that.