Our First Time at a Rage Room

teenage girl standing near smash and grab mural
Author: Heather
Category: Family
Published Date: 09/22/2021
Comments: 43

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I don’t remember the first time I heard the term “rage room”, but I remember how intrigued I was. Basically, you are given a “weapon”, a number of breakable items, and time to break, beat up, and smash them in a small room. I knew we had to try it and figured our oldest daughter’s 16th birthday was the perfect opportunity.

We googled the closest rage room, which led us to Smash & Grab in Riviera Beach, Florida.

family at a rage room

Our Rage Room Experience

We set an appointment for my daughter and me online. When we arrived, we were greeted by James, the owner of Smash & Grab. We were asked to fill out a release form and then were fitted with safety gear including protective eyewear, face shield, helmet, and protective gloves.

We were led to the back, where we were able to choose our “weapons”. They offer a variety of things to hit with, including baseball bats, golf clubs, cricket bats, sledgehammers, pipes, and more. 

Next, we were taken to our rage room, complete with a variety of items to smash, including dishes, a computer monitor, a lamp, vases, and more! 

Smash & Grab has a cell phone holder in the corner of the room, so you can record your session. James explained the rules and gave us some pointers. 

Once the door closed, and our time started, we were a little hesitant to hit anything. But once you get started, it’s hard to stop. Before we knew it, everything was smashed and the floor was covered in glass, ceramic, and metal pieces.

daughter and mom after a successful session at a rage room

broken dishes on the floor

Why We Loved the Rage Room

I didn’t realize how much stress you could release by smashing things until I stepped foot in a rage room. With every plate that shattered, I could feel myself loosening up. 

All that swinging was bound to shock my body. I woke up the following morning and my arms and shoulders were super sore. I was having so much fun, I didn’t realize how much exercise I was getting. 

Who knew that breaking things with your teenager could bring you closer together. Lucia and I had a blast taking turns and breaking things. We were giggling and high-fiving. It was glorious. 

We loved smashing things so much. At one point, we thought about something that bothered us just before we broke something. It was a therapeutic way to let go of the things that took up way too much space in our brains.

Was it worth the money?

Smash & Grab cost us around $120 for 30 minutes. That’s $60 per person. They have additional options for larger groups, fewer items, more items, more time, etc. So your cost will depend on a number of factors. 

We left the rage room discussing when we would go back. It was 100% worth the money for us. We left a little sweaty and with indentations on our faces from the safety gear. But we also left feeling much lighter and with much less stress. 

If smashing things is not your thing, Smash & Grab also has a splatter room where you can splatter paint on the walls. We are going to try that next time!

Don’t forget to check out the highlights and check out all of the things we broke!


Have you ever been to a rage room? What did you think? Comment below and let us know!

If you live in or are visiting Florida, don’t forget to check out some fun things to do.

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Rage rooms are quickly becoming a popular place to destress while you break things. But are they worth the money? This is our experience.
Rage rooms are quickly becoming a popular place to destress while you break things. But are they worth the money? This is our experience.

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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • This looks like a lot of fun and a great way to release stress – I’ve never done anything like this but would love to give it a go

    Laura x

  • The way you described the place makes me want to visit it as well with my loved ones. It is indeed a fresh break from all the chaos around.

  • I had heard of these before but have never been in one before! It sounds like a really cool and fun experience.