School Days Checklist Printable

school days checklist on a refrigerator
Author: Heather
Category: Create
Published Date: 08/31/2022
Comments: 11

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About a week ago, I realized I was repeating the same things to my youngest daughter before and after school. Have you brushed your teeth? Did you do your homework? Did you remember to pack your lunch? If only I took the time to create a school days checklist that she could just look at and check off, it would save us all so much time.

That same morning, I had to drive my oldest daughter to high school. She was running late and rushed out of the door with her breakfast in one hand, her lunch on her arm, and her shoes and socks in the other hand. We got halfway there when she realized she had forgotten her backpack. Her backpack! The one obvious thing that you need every time you go to school.

So on the way back home to get her backpack, knowing that she would be late for school now, I told her about my plan to make a school days checklist. She agreed that it would be a great idea and suggested I offer it to you as well (because we can’t be the only ones who needed one.

school days checklist printable on a table with art supplies

I split this school days checklist into two sides. One for before school and one for after school. You can print one for each day of the week. If you want to save paper, you can save the file on a device and have your child go down the list daily to ensure they’ve done everything.

Since everyone’s routine is different, I added some blank lines so that you can add anything that I may have missed. If I’ve included something you don’t need, just cross it off, or have your child ignore it.

If you want to take this further, you can reward your child for completing the weekly checklist. Add a sticker or get them a special treat at the store. That part is totally up to you!

Free printable school days checklist

The school days checklist printable is easy to download. Just click school days checklist and enter your name and email address (don’t worry, we hate spam as much as you do).

You’ll immediately receive an email with a link to the printable. I recommend printing it immediately and saving it to your computer, so you can print it again later.

If you love the free printable school days checklist, check out our other free printables. We have some for all occasions, with lots more coming soon!

If you print and post a photo on social media, we’d love for you to tag @thesupermomlife and encourage others to join in the fun!


This printable school day checklist will help your child remember what they have to get done each day. Just download and print.
This printable school day checklist will help your child remember what they have to get done each day. Just download and print.

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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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