Sisters [feat. The Unicorns Princess]

Author: Heather
Category: For Brand Reps
Published Date: 02/21/2017
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When we initially started our Instagram account, it was for our middle daughter, Iyla.  Iyla has always loved fashion and is not shy when it comes to the camera. She loves to borrow our phones and take selfies and make videos. We have the storage warnings to prove it. You rarely find her without a smile on her face.  After a few months, we realized that because of her age, it was so much harder to find small shops that had items that she could photograph, so we decided Falynn would take over the account.  Over the last couple of months though, Iyla has really wanted to jump back in front of the camera and we’ve been so lucky to work with a few shops that wanted her in the shots as well.

I’ve captured so many beautiful images of her recently and I’m so grateful that brand repping has allowed me to do so.  I’m even more excited that there are small shops that are finally offering items in her size or maybe they’ve always existed and we just never looked hard enough?!  Even better is when we get something from a small shop and it fits both of them, like this crop from Freshly Hatched Threads.  How incredible is that?

Falynn is over the moon about her sister’s new love of the camera.  She loves when they shoot together. There are so many giggles and so many heart warming moments between the two of them.  You can really see how much they love each other and as their Mama, it makes me so emotional.  I only wish our oldest would jump into those pictures every once and a while.  A Mama can dream, right?

Let me take a minute to talk about these gorgeous crowns from The Unicorns Princess.  They are definitely unlike anything in their accessory stash.  These beautiful crowns are handcrafted and absolutely stunning.  I love that they are adjustable and form to fit perfectly. With three girls in the house, it’s always great to have accessories that they can all share.  I love that they can wear these with a variety of outfits.  They are perfect for fancy occasions but will also go beautifully with a casual, every day look, the way we’ve paired it with our Freshly Hatched Threads crop, Laced With Love leggings and Bria Bay romper.  The girls felt like princesses the minute they put them on and loved trading crowns for a different look.  Make sure to check out The Unicorns Princess. You will fall in love too.

Interested in working with us?  We’d love to hear from you!  Email us today.

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I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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