Things Every Girl Should Know

things all girls should know
Author: Heather
Category: Be the Change
Published Date: 03/29/2022
Comments: 28

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If you follow us on Instagram, you know that we have daily conversations and polls around a variety of subjects. Last week, I posted, “Name something every girl should know but is rarely taught.” The responses ranged from intellectual to anatomical. It was an eye-opening conversation as we were able to see just how many women were not taught important things as kids.

I had a few requests to save this list for future conversations, so here are the topics and poll results. Feel free to chime in, in the comments and let us know which of these things you were or weren’t taught and whether we missed any.

were you taught about abusive relationships results
were you taught about anatomy of their body results
were you taught about balance a checkbook results
were you taught about birth control results
were you taught about change a tire results
were you taught about common sense results
were you taught about consent results
were you taught about cook thanksgiving dinner results
were you taught about drive a stick results
were you taught about drive a trailer or boat results
were you taught about finances results
were you taught about how a car works results
were you taught about how ovulation works results
were you taught about how to sew results
were you taught about hygiene results
were you taught about independence results
were you taught about investing results
were you taught about lift weights results
were you taught about maintain good credit results
were you taught about menstrual cycles results
were you taught about mindfulness results
were you taught about mow a yard results
were you taught about negotiation results
were you taught about no means no results
were you taught about pregnancy results
were you taught about prep for the real world results
were you taught about self defense results
were you taught about self worth results
were you taught about sexual education results
were you taught about use a grill results
were you taught about use a tampon results
were you taught about use your voice results

If you are the mother or father of girls, how many of these subjects have you discussed with your little girls? Do you think they are all necessary?

As a Mom of three girls, I see the importance in teaching them many of these topics. The way I look at it is, if I don’t teach them, they will learn elsewhere whether that is their friends, school, or google. But they can also find out the hard way, so I’d rather I prepare them for as much as I can while they are young and living in our home.

I can think of so many things that I wish I would have learned before I left for college at 17. So those topics are often discussed in my home. I know in most situations, you can’t tell someone how to live their life. We all learn from our mistakes… but what if we can prevent some of those mistakes by openly speaking to our girls about the sensitive and necessary topics?

Tell me what you think in the comments below!


The poll results for a recent story poll - things every girl should know and were you taught them as a child or not?
The poll results for a recent story poll - things every girl should know and were you taught them as a child or not?

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Hello There!

I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • It is so crazy to me that so many girls aren’t taught basic anatomy, how ovulation works, or how to use a tampon. You shouldn’t have to learn from an OBGYN once you’re a grown adult! Crazy.

  • This list is so wholesome. If all the girls all over the world are taught all of these, the world would definitely be a better place.

  • This is a good and informative post we should let out girls read about and help them understand their body more.

  • Actually kind of surprised at the stats on some of these topics. I think these are all really important.

  • Wow I am actually shocked at the results to some of these, that to me are the basics you teach your kids as a parent. I hope I have done a good job with my daughter and luckily she will talk to me about anything

  • Some many important things for parents to teach girls, I have spoken about most to my daughter but need to explain more about how to balance a checkbook and finances

  • I find this very useful. I love this list as I can check it and try to teach my daughter these things.