Top 10 Teacher Gifts – Small Shops

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Author: Heather
Category: Christmas
Published Date: 11/17/2017
Comments: 15

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It’s that time of year again. Time to start decorating, making lists and figuring out what to buy everyone for the holidays.  I tend to have the most trouble coming up with good ideas for my girls teachers and always wind up getting them a gift card, or something that looks like we put no thought into it. This year, I thought I’d do some digging and found the top 10 teacher gifts created by small shops! Starting at only $4.50, there are some great ideas here, even for those Moms on a budget, like me!

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#1 Mug from AMK Creates  

This amazing ceramic mug features the saying “Goals Today: Keep the tiny humans alive…” printed on both sides.  Dishwasher safe! Only $14.95!

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#2 Christmas Potholder and Cookie Set from Glitter and Glam Shop

Who doesn’t love cookies?! This adorable set features both a pot holder and a pouch of cookie mix.  It’s the perfect gift to give to all of your favorite teachers this year! Only $9.95!

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#3 Proud to be a Teacher T-Shirt from Lulu’s Lovely T’s

This is such a cute shirt for any teacher! You choose the grade and they will create it just for you! Only $23.95!

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#4 Hand Stamped Initial Necklace from BodhiNyx

This personalized initial necklace is perfect for everyday wear! The initial is hand-stamped on a stainless steel charm which accompanies a sterling silver chain.  All orders are sent in a muslin gift bag, ready for gifting. Starting at only $22!

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#5 Personalized Pencil Nameplate from Crafts With a Side of You

What better way to thank your Number 1 teacher than with a personalized No. 2 pencil?
Each pencil is hand cut, painted and distressed. Only $9.99!

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#6 Personalized Notepad from Pink Apple Parties

A personalized notepad with your beloved teacher’s name is a perfect, thoughtful gift! This notepad features your teacher’s name in bright rainbow letters, and a line of rainbow polka dots at the bottom.
Includes 50 pages, backed with chipboard and will arrive ready for gift-giving, packaged in a clear cello bag, accented with ribbon or twine to match. Only $8!

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#7 Teacher Wine Glass from 5th Heritage Farm

This fun wine glass makes a great gift for your teacher because let’s be honest, they CAN’T survive on apples alone!  This glass can also be personalized with a name on the opposite side for no additional charge! Only $10.95!

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#8 Personalized Teacher Sign from Ribbons and Routers

I can’t think of a cuter handmade gift than this personalized sign! Made from rulers and chalkboard, it’s the perfect gift! Only $16.00!

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#9 Blue Sodalite Rock Air Plant from Air Friend

Say “thank you” with this one-of-a-kind thank you gift! This beautiful gold dipped sodalite air planter combines an elegant navy blue crystal with a glimmering dash of gold. A lovely air plant perches on the crystal to create the illusion that a plant is growing out of the rock. Sodalite is known as the stone for inner peace and balance. Only $15.00!


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#10 Wine Label from Ellee Dees

Definitely one of my favorite ideas… a label featuring your child’s picture that you can add to any wine bottle.  It may just be the world’s greatest gift. Starting at $4.50!

**Prices are subject to change.

One of the most important gifts on everyone's holiday list are the gifts for their kid's teachers. Here are my top 10 teacher gifts from small shops.





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Hello There!

I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

Leave a Reply

  • The shirt and mug cake kit is definitely something I would have loved as a teacher. Practical and useful gifts are the best ones.

  • So many gift ideas for teachers. I love the personalized notepad. They can use it all the time.

  • These are all cute ideas! We’ve done the personalized note pads before, but I’ll tell you, we paid a lot more than you did! It is a nice idea because teachers really do go through a lot of paper.

  • I love all of these ideas, especially the Christmas Potholder and Cookie Set from Glitter and Glam Shop. Thanks for sharing!

  • My husband was a teacher and we were drowning in odd gifts from kids. These are all so lovely!

  • These are great gift ideas. I really like the pencil with the teachers name on it. How cute would that be on the edge of their desk?!?