I Switched to Who Gives a Crap and You’ll Be Surprised What Happened

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Author: Heather
Category: Brand Sponsored
Published Date: 06/19/2018
Comments: 84

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Toilet paper.  It’s one of those things that we have to buy. There are different brands, different textures, different lengths and different thicknesses.  As a family, we’ve probably tried them all and we go through much more than I could ever estimate. I’m pretty picky when it comes to what we wipe with. I remember a time, not long ago, when my husband brought home a cheaper brand and I lost it.  It was thin and rough and I couldn’t wait until we ran out so I bought a huge pack of a superior brand and let him use the cheap stuff. Don’t worry, he was totally ok with it.

This month, I was introduced to a toilet paper company that not only has an incredible sense of humor, but also has made it their mission to donate 50% of profits to help build toilets in developing countries.  It’s companies like Who Gives A Crap that make me want to shout from the rooftops and convince everyone to support them.  Who Gives A Crap was founded in Melbourne, Australia in 2012 after the founders learned that 2.5 billion people in the world don’t have access to a toilet.  Can you imagine that? We are all so used to having a toilet that it seems unfathomable for anyone to be without one. Props to founders Simon, Danny and Jehan for doing something about it.

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Last week, this huge box with the words “Who Gives A Crap” was delivered to my home.  I have to admit, that I wanted to leave it outside so that everyone could see it. While it was “just” full of toilet paper, it provided me with compliments I haven’t heard from a stranger since I had my first child almost 13 years ago.

Inside, I found 48 beautifully wrapped rolls of 100% recycled toilet paper.  I quickly unwrapped a few and switched out our current brand for Who Gives A Crap, in each of our bathrooms. And then I waited.  I wanted to see if anyone noticed a difference. Would they think that Dad had brought home the cheap stuff again?  Would they rush out of the bathroom with roll in hand, asking for their old brand back? Surprisingly, they had no idea.  And being that I’m the most picky when it comes to toilet paper, I was shocked that I found it was just as good as the brand I buy in the supermarket!  Actually, even better if you take into consideration the price and the mission behind the brand.

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So once the test was complete, I let the girls have a little fun.  What’s the point of having these beautiful rolls if we aren’t going to have fun with them?! We stacked some in the bathroom (they are too pretty to hide in a closet or under the sink). The girls built castles with them (so much better than those little blocks that they leave on the floor so we can step on – ouch!).  They played catch in the middle of the living room. Falynn made a bowtie with one of the wrappers (because she is currently obsessed with bowties).

I was surprised to find them even a day later, still playing with these rolls of toilet paper like they were toys.  They had a contest to see who could build the highest tower without it falling over.  My 9 year old was wearing one of the wrappers as a hat. My oldest was trying to figure out how to combine multiple wrappers into a shirt.  What teenager wouldn’t want to wear a paper shirt that says “Who Gives A Crap” all over it?

Who knew that toilet paper could be so much fun?!  I sure didn’t!

who gives a crap, toilet paper, best toilet paper brand, companies that give back, mommy blog, mom blogger, family blog, family influencer, instagram, mother, father, tween blog, dad blog, United States, 2018, mom blog, top, best, mommy blogger, daddy blog, tween blogger, child brand influencer, the super mom life, dad blog, dad blogger who gives a crap, toilet paper, best toilet paper brand, companies that give back, mommy blog, mom blogger, family blog, family influencer, instagram, mother, father, tween blog, dad blog, United States, 2018, mom blog, top, best, mommy blogger, daddy blog, tween blogger, child brand influencer, the super mom life, dad blog, dad blogger

Not only is Who Gives A Crap a light-hearted company with a huge heart, they’ve already donated over $1.2 Million Dollars to their charity partners (that’s the equivalent of over $950,000!). That’s pretty impressive!

Here are some eye-opening toilet facts that I learned, thanks to Who Gives a Crap:

  • Around 289,000 children under five die every year from diarrhea diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That’s almost 800 children per day, or one child every two minutes.
  • Since 1990, nearly a third of the current global population has gained access to an improved sanitation facility (that’s 2.1 billion people which is amazing)
  • A World Health Organization study in 2012 calculated that for ever $1 invested in sanitation, there was an economic return of $5.50 in lower health costs, more productivity and fewer premature deaths

who gives a crap, toilet paper, best toilet paper brand, companies that give back, mommy blog, mom blogger, family blog, family influencer, instagram, mother, father, tween blog, dad blog, United States, 2018, mom blog, top, best, mommy blogger, daddy blog, tween blogger, child brand influencer, the super mom life, dad blog, dad blogger who gives a crap, toilet paper, best toilet paper brand, companies that give back, mommy blog, mom blogger, family blog, family influencer, instagram, mother, father, tween blog, dad blog, United States, 2018, mom blog, top, best, mommy blogger, daddy blog, tween blogger, child brand influencer, the super mom life, dad blog, dad blogger

Convenient and Priced Right

Who Gives A Crap can be purchased online in boxes of 24 or 48.  They offer free shipping on most orders over $30!  

At only $.25 per 100 sheets, it’s affordable!

With no inks, dyes or scents, it’s safe!

At 400 sheets per roll, it’ll last!  

With a money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose (but your loyalty to those pricer store-brands)!

And best of all, have I mentioned their 3-ply is as soft as unicorn kisses and as strong as 1000 ponies?

They even include a couple “Emergency Rolls” that serve as a reminder that you’re running low.  You can tell that they have put so much thought into their brand and their passion really shines through both on their website and in every detail of their packaging.

who gives a crap, toilet paper, best toilet paper brand, companies that give back, mommy blog, mom blogger, family blog, family influencer, instagram, mother, father, tween blog, dad blog, United States, 2018, mom blog, top, best, mommy blogger, daddy blog, tween blogger, child brand influencer, the super mom life, dad blog, dad blogger

While I never thought I would say this, I actually prefer Who Gives A Crap recycled toilet paper over the more expensive, store-bought brand.  We all have to wipe, so why not wipe for a good cause?  Head over to their site and get $10 off of your first order! In just a few days, you’ll have an awesome box delivered right to your door.

What do you think of Who Gives A Crap? Comment below and let us know!

This post is sponsored by Who Gives a Crap, but all opinions are my own.

Click here to get $10 off your first order

When I I was introduced to @whogivesacraptp I fell in love with the brand. They have an incredible sense of humor and have also made it their mission to donate 50% of profits to help build toilets in developing countries. But… would I like the toilet paper? I tried Who Gives a Crap and you’ll have to head over to the blog to check out what I thought of it. (There’s also a $10 off code in there so you can try it for yourself!)












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Hello There!

I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

Leave a Reply

  • The best part to me is that it’s affordable. We all have to use TP and it kills me to pay more than I should for it.

  • Oh my gosh I love the name of this brand! This cracks me up and just for that reason alone I definitely think I will buy some of these.

  • Seeing the title, I was actually wondering this post is gomna be something kinda ‘inspirational’ but damn I was wrong ??
    But it was nice!

  • The name of the product is hilarious! I really appreciate a company that gives back to charity and loving the idea of the emergency roll.