Newsflash… 40 is NOT the New 30

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Author: Heather
Category: Brand Sponsored
Published Date: 10/24/2018
Comments: 66

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The time has come. Time to stop pretending that being older is the new younger. That’s ridiculous. People only started that nonsense because they didn’t want to feel irrelevant. The truth of the matter is we are all getting older and no amount of procedures, cream or even a DeLorean is going to transport us back in time. It’s time to embrace the idea of aging gracefully and enjoy ourselves today, since we’re not getting any younger. Wrinkles happen.

I am 40 years old. I have wrinkles in places I didn’t have wrinkles in 10 years ago and lord knows I have more gray hairs than a box of store bought dye can cover. But the truth is, I’m proud of them! I’m proud of every fine line and sign of my 40 years because I am grateful for every year I’ve been given. And while I’m proud to tell anyone that I’m 40, I’m also aware of how important it is to take care of our skin so that we don’t look older than we actually are.

When I learned about Saranghae, I fell in love with their wrinkles happen campaign. Like most skincare lines, they were originally founded as an anti-aging routine, however, they also think aging is something to be happy about and something that should be celebrated and I love that! Their mission is to make people around the world feel beautiful, confident, and proud to be in their skin. That sounds like something we should all be a part of.

wrinkles happen, embrace your age, love your skin, take care of your skin, anti-aging, facial care, self care, skincare, skincare line, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, parenting blogger, family blogger

wrinkles happen, embrace your age, love your skin, take care of your skin, anti-aging, facial care, self care, skincare, skincare line, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, parenting blogger, family blogger

I was born and raised in Florida. I love the palm trees, the beaches and the year round sunshine but everywhere you go, you find a woman that is at least in her 70’s with long blonde hair, tight clothing and a face that looks like she has a permanent room in a plastic surgeon’s office. They have been blessed with a long life, probably a great one that most of us can only dream of and for some reason, they are trying to go backward in time. We shouldn’t be looking back and wishing we didn’t age, we should be celebrating every single year on this earth, no matter how many that may be. I personally can’t wait to rock my Granny years, though I’m in no hurry.

Speaking of Grannies, my Nana would always pull back her face and look in the mirror, reminiscing about how beautiful she once was. In fact, when my cousin wanted to take a selfie with her, like in the picture above, she would say “Wait, let me pull back my wrinkles. Ok, go.” And while it was funny at the time, I always looked at her, wrinkles and all and saw her in a completely different light. Every single inch of her face was beautiful and I told her as often as I could. I remember at a young age, standing in her bathroom, watching her take off her makeup and go through her skin care routine every night. I was mesmerized by her. She never tried to look younger but somehow always looked her best.  I always wished I would grow old as gracefully as she did. They are big shoes to fill, but I’m on a mission.

wrinkles happen, embrace your age, love your skin, take care of your skin, anti-aging, facial care, self care, skincare, skincare line, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, parenting blogger, family blogger

Many skincare companies advertise how they can reverse the aging process and make you look younger. But who wants to look younger, really? My early 20’s were not my finest years. I went out a lot. I barely got any sleep. I tanned regularly and didn’t really pay attention to the damage it was doing to my skin.  It wasn’t until I had my first child that I realized that my skin was changing and I was going to have to really take care of it. And while I find these lines and marks that I didn’t have in my 20’s, they are a part of me and I love them. Listen, I don’t want to look like an old wrinkly elephant either, but I have no problem with aging gracefully and embracing my new, more “wise” appearance.

wrinkles happen, embrace your age, love your skin, take care of your skin, anti-aging, facial care, self care, skincare, skincare line, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, parenting blogger, family blogger

wrinkles happen, embrace your age, love your skin, take care of your skin, anti-aging, facial care, self care, skincare, skincare line, mom blog, mom blogger, mommy blog, mommy blogger, 2018, family blog, parenting blog, the super mom life, thesupermomlife, parenting blogger, family blogger

I’ve been using the Saranghae Complete 5 Step Routine for a couple of weeks now. I don’t wake up with a new, youthful appearance but I do wake up with skin that feels soft and clean and refreshed! And when you’re the Mom of three and barely have time to brush your hair, that feeling is priceless. Of the entire 5 step process, my favorite part is the elemental essence mask. It’s like a 15 minute spa experience, right in your home. The Saranghae Elemental Essence Mask is a unique, lightweight, micro-fiber material with a blend of Asian botanicals that helps calm inflamed skin, enhance the natural contours of the face and maximize brightness. My 40 year old skin actually GLOWS! Fortified with Saranghae’s CoQ10 and Hyaluronic Acid, it provides a luxurious look and feel to your skin unlike any other mask I’ve tried before. It’s heaven.

So what does the future hold for me? I will continue to take care of my skin, but won’t be expecting my skincare line to perform any miracles. I’m not 30 and I won’t be 30 again, so why do I need to look 30? I’d rather look like a hot 40 year old and accept the fact that wrinkles happen. I challenge you to embrace your age. Want to win a Complete 5 Step Routine from Saranghae? Head to our Instagram page to enter!

Check out this hilarious Saranghae video here.

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Stop pretending that being older is the new younger. Embrace your age and enjoy yourself today, since you're not getting any younger. Wrinkles happen.


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Hello There!

I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • Oh I totally HAVE to try this. I noticed some little lines next to my eyes and want to start doing something before they get worse.

  • I am 45 now and wrinkkles are coming so i have my little secrets to stay fresh looking. I will keep this in mind as another tool for my arsenal. Your Grandmother is so cute!(and has good skin tone)

  • I was surprised how much my skin changed after I had kids. I appreciate your realness about how our skin changes over the years. It’s honest!

  • I agree with you! 40 is definitely not the new 30! I can definitely use a skin cream that would help get rid of some of the wrinkles I got over the last year’s. I will have to try what you recommend here!

  • My littlest niece called me out by saying, When I grow up, I don’t want a neck like yours. HA! I said, then stay out of the sun. She didn’t know what to say to that!!

  • I’m in my 50’s and I’ve tried to take good care of my skin (except when I was young and dumb and used baby oil to try and tan faster on spring break). I don’t think I would ever have plastic surgery but I have been tempted to get a little filler in the parentheses around my mouth. I probably won’t ever do it, but I won’t lie, the temptation is there. I don’t want to look 20 – just a little refreshed. I need to try that mask!

  • What a great campaign, I’ve just started getting wrinkles now and it’s been an adjustment for sure. But articles like this definitely help to read, thank you!