Hey Siri, Where Can I Find Some Confidence?

confidence, siri, confidence builder, lacking confidence, anxiety, depression, mental health, lack of confidence, motherhood, mom
Author: Heather
Category: Anxiety
Published Date: 06/28/2019
Comments: 45

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Hey Siri… You’ve been so helpful with so much in my daily life and I’m hoping you can help me with something I’m struggling with.

Remember that time I wanted to find a vegan restaurant? You showed me a map with at least 2, just miles from my house.

And then there was that time that I wanted to know where I had seen that actress before. You gave me a list of movies she was in.

Well, this request is a little different. It’s something that lots of women around the world are probably struggling with as well. Especially those who deal with anxiety, like I do.

Hey Siri, where can I find some confidence?

confidence, siri, confidence builder, lacking confidence, anxiety, depression, mental health, lack of confidence, motherhood, mom

I went from buying clothes that showed off my body to wearing the a t-shirt and yoga pants every day. Comfortable is the new fashionable, isn’t it? I need something to cover this post baby bod. I know it’s been almost 7 years, but I’m still working on it.

I read somewhere that makeup can make you feel beautiful. So, I bought a bunch of makeup. I used it once, but I wound up wiping it off because I think it makes me look like I’m trying too hard. What’s that saying, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig…

I finally built up the courage to get my hair professionally cut, after 7 years. It didn’t make me feel confident, like everyone said it would. I straightened and curled it twice and it’s been in a Mom bun ever since. $45 down the drain.

They say exercise gets those endorphins going and that if I get back to my pre-baby weight, I’ll get my confidence back. But when I start exercising, and my heart starts beating fast, I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack, so I stop.

I tried affirmations. Every morning I woke up, looked in the mirror and told myself:

I am beautiful.
I am intelligent.
I am loved.
I am needed.
I can do anything I put my mind to.

Then, I changed into my t-shirt and yoga pants, put my hair into a Mom bun, and came up with 100 excuses why I couldn’t exercise.

So you see, Siri, I need your help.  Where can I find some confidence?

Siri, you've been so helpful with so many things in my life. But this one is a little different. Siri, where can I find some confidence?

Is there an app I can download?
Directions to the confidence store you can map out?
A recipe for a green smoothie with a boost of certainty?

I’m not looking for an easy fix, I know that people with self-confidence work hard at it. I’m just searching for a way back to myself.

To the me that used to think I could change the world.
To the me that enjoyed self-care.
To the me that loved fashion.
To the me that always had a smile on my face.
To the me that loved myself.
To the me that was excited about the future.
To the me that was going to be the perfect role model for my daughters.

Siri? Hello?

Ok, maybe I’ll ask Alexa.




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Hello There!

I'm so honored that you've found us! I'm Heather, a Mom of 3 who blogs about parenting, food, occasional travel and how I overcame my daily struggle with anxiety. I miss sleeping and rely on coffee and laughter to get me through the day. I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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  • Wouldn’t it be great if we could actually get real help from Siri on things that matter like this! I have struggled with confidence issues for most of my life, it seems there’s no easy solution I’ve found.

  • I am sad to read your post. I have struggled throughout my life with self-confidence. I am not sure if it is that I turned 50 in January or if I just don’t care anymore. LIke don’t care what others might think but my mental outlook has changed. Don’t waste whatever time you have between your age now and my age, even if you have just 1 thing to feel better about yourself at a time. I believe you will be happier and enjoy your life more.

    • Post

      Thanks Becky! I’m not too far from you in age. Here’s hoping I can get there like you have.

  • I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I did as well. I read a book called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle that really helped with my anxiety. That and a gratitude journal has really helped a ton. It’s harder to feel sorry for yourself when list all the great things that you do have. Hope that helps!

  • I think this is a real open and honest question for a lot of people. I think we tend to focus more on how we feel society thinks we should be, rather than focusing on “Here I am society! This is who I am!”

  • I wish Siri could help! For the most part I have confidence, but there are some areas where I need work.

  • This actually makes me rather sad. I have never struggled with confidence issues, and I know I am insanely blessed that I never have. I guess it’s because I just have NEVER cared what other people think. I always look at the positive side of things and I do what I can for myself that makes me feel good about who I am. I don’t focus on any flaws that I might have, and even if I have “flaws” I see them as quirks that make me unique!

  • If only we could ask Siri! Affirmations and prayer actually do help me build up my confidence. It’s so weird that we can be confident in some areas and not so much in others. This is a great post!